DC Partners
Diving Center Partners
GUWAA is now represented in more than 50 countries around the world and has more than 2000 divers around the world that are participating in actions organized by GUWAA.
Diving centers, organizations and NGO's are making it possible for GUWAA to be extremely efficient and very organized in its task to clean, preserve and protect the sea, lakes and rivers around the world.
GUWAA's diving center partners are closely chosen centers that has proved them in the past to contribute in the ecological actions and promotions. Diving centers who participate in GUWAA's actions around the world are helping the human kind to protect its most important natural resource WATER and educate the young generations.
GUWAA's global partners are growing every year with more countries participating, diving centers and divers. The effect of this growth will results in millions of tons of garbage salvaged from the sea, lakes and rivers and saving of millions of mammals and life living in waters.
Becoming a GUWAA's official partners has its own values both in marketing, financially and getting the special status among the many other diving centers.
DC partners have the exclusive rights for GUWAA White Flag that is being given to beaches, marinas, hotels, shipping companies and other institutions around the world. They are the only ones allowed to perform a cleanup of seabed which is a requirement for getting the White Flag (see the http://www.whiteflagint.com) for more details.
As GUWAA is supported by the world most leading VIP in different fields like: showbiz, sports, politics and other fields they are allowed to use this persons for promotions of their diving centers if the action is directly linked with ecology.
Product launch
GUWAA will launch different product globally in the next year, and only DC Partners will have exclusive rights in their countries for sales and promotions of this products.
Annual meeting for diving center owners and managers
Diving centers owners and managers will be invited once a year for special meetings and promotions which GUWAA will organize in different part of the world. This meetings will be organized to create and promote more efficient way to protect and preserve our oceans, lakes and rivers which are threatened by irresponsible human behavior globally.
This is a very important movement which has united the whole world into the same mission no matter continents or borders between us, or religion. Divers are the world's new ambassadors and water is the only link that has the strength and power to unite us all.
If your diving center wishes to become a GUWAA's official partner please contact us for further information!