GUWAA 2014

Exciting news: 

Global Underwater Awareness Association GUWAA has officially moved it headquarters to Norway!

More detail to come...

To find out more about what is happening on the norwegian front, please read the latest GUWAA Marine Eco report!


1st GUWAA World Underwater Protection and Cleanup Day 16th September 2012

The former champion freediver, commercial diver and scuba instructor Kristijan Curavic launched the 1st GUWAA World Underwater Protection and Cleanup Day on September 16th 2012 with the support of his partners, Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation and Bernie Ecclestone.
Prominent international human rights and climate change advocate Bianca Jagger, Founder and Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, became the GUWAA Patron.
This project is designed to raise awareness of the need for water protection, preservation and clean up of seas, lakes and rivers.
GUWAA is the first organization to bring countries on all continents together to achieve this goal.

On September 16th 2012 was the first global cleanup of our most precious resource - water. The day is organized around the systematic cleaning of seas, lakes and rivers throughout the world. A coordinated global cleanup had never before been attempted.

Countries participating in 2012: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Italy, France, England, Monaco, Germany, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Israel, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Brazil, South Africa, China, Japan, Canada, Russia, Mexico and Korea. In the USA - Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Washington, Oregon, Florida, Hawaii, Alaska and South Carolina.

GUWAA YouTube:


        We make difference every day!



  • Educational programme
  • Social networking
  • Administration
  • Divers

Interested in any of the volunteer opportunities above? Please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guinness World Record LogoWe want to thank everyone who participated in this year's Global Underwater Cleanup and Protection Day! Because of the bad weather conditions, many diving centers worldwide had to postpone the cleanup and we didn't succeed to set a Guinness World Record.
Next year we are going to organize the 3rd World Underwater Cleanup and Protection Day and we will attempt to set the record again!
Join us!